Zusammenfassung der Ressource
1.1 Isaac Clements
- An arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a digital circuit used to perform arithmetic and logic operations. It
represents the fundamental building block of the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer. Modern
CPUs contain very powerful and complex ALUs. In addition to ALUs, modern CPUs contain a control
unit (CU). Most of the operations of a CPU are performed by one or more ALUs, which load data from
input registers. A register is a small amount of storage available as part of a CPU. The control unit tells
the ALU what operation to perform on that data, and the ALU stores the result in an output register.
The control unit moves the data between these registers, the ALU, and memory.
- The way a pc executes instructions
- Step 1: Fetch instruction. ... Step
2: Decode instruction and Fetch
Operands. ... Step 3: Perform
ALU operation. ... Step 4: Access
memory. ... Step 5: Write back
result to register file. ... Step 6:
Update the PC.
- A central processing unit (CPU) is an important part of almost every computer. The CPU sends signals
to control the other parts of the computer, almost like how a brain controls a body. The CPU is an
electronic machine that works on a list of things to do, called 'instructions'. It reads the list of
instructions and does (executes) each one in order. A list of instructions that a CPU can run is a
computer program. The speed that a CPU works at is measured in hertz, Hz. Modern processors often
run so fast that gigahertz, GHz, is used instead. One gigahertz is one billion hertz.
- MAR MAR is short for memory address register. This register has its output hooked up to the address
bus. This register is going to be the only way for the CPU to communicate with the bus. However, to
prevent the memory address register from continously dumping its output to the address bus, we'll
place a 32-bit tri-state buffer between the output of the MAR and the address bus. This allows other
devices (say, I/O devices) to use the address bus, if necessary. The MAR can hold two different kinds
of addresses. Either it stores the address of an instruction, or it stores the address of data. Of
course, as far as memory is concerned, an address is an address. It doesn't care what is stored at
that address. However, from your perspective, as a person learning how a CPU works, it's useful to
know that MAR can hold either an instruction address or a data address. Where does the MAR load
its addresses? For now, we're just going to say that it comes from some other part of the CPU, which
- A register is a very small amount of very fast memory that is built into the CPU (central processing
unit) in order to speed up its operations by providing quick access to commonly used values. Memory
refers to semiconductor devices whose contents can be accessed (i.e., read and written to) at
extremely high speeds but which are held there only temporarily (i.e., while in use or only as long as the
power supply remains on). Most memory consists of main memory, which is comprised of RAM
(random access memory) chips that are connected to the CPU by a bus (i.e., a set of dedicated wires).
- Function The central processing unit is called the CPU, processor or microprocessor. Modern
processors are engineered on just one computer chip. The CPU is the device that receives various types
of input and produces specific outputs. The majority of processors are capable of carrying out a single
instruction at a time.
- A quad-core processor is a chip with four independent units called cores that read and execute central
processing unit (CPU) instructions such as add, move data, and branch. Within the chip, each core
operates in conjunction with other circuits such as cache, memory management, and input/output
(I/O) ports.
- An embedded system is a combination of computer circuitry and software that is built into a product
for purposes such as control, monitoring and communication without human intervention. Embedded
systems are at the core of every modern electronic product, ranging from toys to medical equipment to
aircraft control systems1. In contrast to general-purpose computers, embedded systems perform a
narrow range of pre-defined tasks. Thus, they usually do not have any of the typical computer
peripheral devices such as a keyboard, display monitor, serial connections, mass storage (e.g., hard
disk drives), etc. or any kind of user interface software, unless required by the product in which they
are used in. This can make it possible to greatly reduce the complexity, size and cost and increase the
robustness of embedded systems as compared with general-purpose systems.