1.1 system architecture.


Mindmap am 1.1 system architecture., erstellt von Niamh Wyatt am 20/12/2017.
Niamh Wyatt
Mindmap von Niamh Wyatt, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Niamh Wyatt
Erstellt von Niamh Wyatt vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

1.1 system architecture.
  1. Input/Output
    1. Used in: Mice, Keyboards, Disk drives. they are used to allow an interface between a hardware device.
    2. CPU
      1. Is used to fetch, decode and execute.
      2. Internal components
        1. Main memory
          1. Busses
            1. I/O controllers
          2. Clock speed
            1. The faster the clock speed, the more instructions that can be executed.
            2. Processors
              1. The processors speed is measured in HERTZ (Hz)
                1. Each processor has a "core" in which instructions are executed. Processors can be multi-core, Dual core, Quad core, 8 core. Each core executes instructions independently.
                2. Cache
                  1. Saves frequently used data and helps the system run quicker.
                    1. Cache holds commonly used instructions
                  2. Embedded systems
                    1. A computer system that is made up of both Hardware AND Software which is often known as Firmware.
                      1. Used for very specialised tasks.
                    2. Cores
                      1. Quadrupling the number of cores may quadruple the number of instructions executed per second
                      2. External components
                        1. Keyboard
                          1. AKA peripherals
                            1. Mouse
                          2. Printer
                            1. I/O ports/devices
                            2. Secondary Storage
                              1. CD-R
                                1. Floppy disk
                                  1. USB- Drive
                              2. System buses
                                1. Execute instructions
                                2. Von Neumann architecture
                                  1. fetch execute and decode information and instructions.
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