Mary Poppins: intertextuality and "literatura ganada".


This is a small resource to clarify two basic concepts about P.L. Traver's 'Mary Poppins' such as an example of intertextuality and the quesiton of "literatura ganada".
Antonio Jesús Tinedo
Mindmap von Antonio Jesús Tinedo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Antonio Jesús Tinedo
Erstellt von Antonio Jesús Tinedo vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Mary Poppins: intertextuality and "literatura ganada".
  1. Intertextuality
    1. Myth
      1. Chapter 5. The Dancing Cow
        1. Cow was commened to keep dancing
          1. Cured by the Moon (Cursed by a star)
            1. Interpreted as opposition to established customs by Forbes Irving
        2. Io (Hera's priestess)
          1. Cured by Zeus (cursed by Hera)
      2. ¿For children or for adults?
        1. Author
          1. It was not children literature
            1. Actually, it could be addressed to adults
          2. Disney
            1. without Disney, Mary Poppins wouldn't be as well-known as it is
              1. Example of "Literatura ganada"
                1. Through cinema
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