Introduction to Christianity


GCSE Religious Studies Mindmap am Introduction to Christianity, erstellt von Beth Penney am 11/01/2018.
Beth Penney
Mindmap von Beth Penney, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Beth Penney
Erstellt von Beth Penney vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Introduction to Christianity
  1. The Bible
    1. Christian Sacred Text
      1. Old Testament
        1. 39 Books
          1. Jewish Scriptures (sacred to Jews)
          2. includes Creation & 10 Commandments
          3. New Testament
            1. Specifically Christian
              1. 27 Books
                1. 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
                  1. Accounts of Jesus's Life
                  2. The Acts of the Apostles & letters of St Paul
                    1. Describe the early Years of Christianity
            2. Traditions/Branches of Christianty (denominations)
              1. Share 'key beliefs'. Interpret things differently. Worship in different ways
                1. Roman Catholics
                  1. Respect the authority of the Bible, The Pope & Traditions
                    1. 7 Sacraments -Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing the sick, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Eucharist
                  2. Protestants
                    1. Base beliefs & practises on the Bible
                      1. In England & Whales denominations not part of the Anglican Community are called Non Conformists
                        1. Non-conformists - Methodists, Baptists, Salvation Army
                    2. Orthodox
                      1. Mainly in Eastern Europe, Russia & Greece
                        1. Have 7 Sacraments and honour icons e.g. pictures of Saints
                  3. Beliefs about the 'Nature' of God
                    1. Monotheistic (one God)
                      1. He has 8 Characteristis (Denominations differ in emphasis placed on each)
                        1. OMNIPOTENT
                          1. God is All Powerful
                            1. But allows Free Will
                          2. BENEVOLENT
                            1. God is Loving/Careing
                              1. Christians try to follow this
                                1. John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son"
                            2. JUST JUDGE
                              1. God Judges people fairly
                                1. If you reject him or sin you will be punished
                                  1. Parable of the sheep and goats
                                    1. But God forgives - Parable of the Prodigal Son
                              2. OMNISCIENT
                                1. God Knows everything
                                  1. In the past,present, future
                                2. ETERNAL
                                  1. God always exists
                                    1. Will exist forever
                                  2. TRANSCENDENT
                                    1. God is beyond this world
                                      1. Doesn't depend on it to exist
                                    2. IMMANENT
                                      1. God is Present
                                        1. Plays an active role in Humanity
                                      2. PERSONAL
                                        1. God is a 'person'
                                          1. A relationship is possible through prayer/Conversations
                                  3. The Trinity
                                    1. Father
                                      1. Creator of Humanity
                                        1. God of Old Testament - Jesus calls him Father
                                      2. Son
                                        1. Jesus - God in Human Form
                                          1. Human part which understand suffering
                                            1. Jesus is a model of behaviour. Gospels give Christians guidance based on Jesus life & teaching
                                        2. Holy Spirit
                                          1. Lives in Christians
                                            1. He guides
                                              1. John 14:16-17 - "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help and be with you forever - the Spirit of God"
                                        3. In 325AD church leaders created the CREED (Nicene)
                                          1. A statement of Beliefs
                                            1. To conclude Jesus was one with God not just made by God
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