Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Natural Moral Law
- Primary Precepts
- Violates primary precepts of living in ordered society
- Secondary precept
- Breaks "do not lie "
- Biblical commandment
- Forbids people to bear false witness
- Aquinas' virtues
- Breaks courage and justice
- Not lawful to lie to
save someone from
- You can tell a 'misleading truth'
- E.G a murder coming to
your door for his victim
- Virtue Ethics
- links to virtues of honesty, courage
and truthfullnes
- Aim to have a society where it is
the habit to tell the truth
- Distort reality for their
own benefit
- "In itself what is false is based on
the blameworthy, whereas what
is true is noble and
- Effects how we
socially interact with
each other
- The mean is to not exaggerate
or underrate yourself
- The virtues form a synergy
- They all work together for a greater power
- Eudiamonia
- Situation Ethics
- Agapeic
- Justified if you are doing it out of love
- Protect their feelings
- Wrong if you are doing it for yourself
- E.G if you have a medical illness that you
could pass on to your family and you don't tell
- If you withhold
information from
people to protect
their feelings
- E.G surprise party
- E.G German
and the