Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Human circulatory system
- Comunication
- Language of learning
- Key words: heart, blood,
ventricle, capillary, artery...
Key phrases needed: how
many beats did you count ...?
- Language for learning
- Ask and answer: Why...? What...?
Comparatives and superlatives.
Expres opinions: In my opinion...
Made predictions: I think that...
- Language through learning
- Apply the answers from the
pupils to improve their level
of knowledge. Expand their
vocabulary using the
- Content
- Arteries,
capillaries and
- Blood:
- Heart: structure
and function
- Circulatory
circuits of bloods
- Culture
- Evaluate the proper
functioring of the
circulatory syestem
- Show awareness of
the importance of
giving blood
- Cognition
- Remembering
- Match photos with the
words of the topic
- Understanding
- Watch a video and
answer questions
- Applying
- Label the parts on an
ilustrated heart
- Analyzing
- Measure their heart rate in
different situations and
compare the resoults
- Evaluating
- Observe of students
discussion about the
importance of giving blood
- Creating
- Made a poster
with a slogan