Types of Neuroglia


ember maynard
Mindmap von ember maynard, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
ember maynard
Erstellt von ember maynard vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Types of Neuroglia
  1. Astrocytes
    1. Location: Brain and Spinal Cord
      1. Anchors neurons to capillaries; controls flow of ions around neurons; may aid in impulse condition
    2. Ependymal Cells
      1. Lines cavities of brain and spinal cord
        1. Help form and circulate cerebrospinal fluid
      2. Microglia
        1. Brain and spinal cord
          1. Phagocytize invading microorganisms and dead nerve tissue
        2. Oligodendrocytes
          1. Brain and spinal cord
            1. Provide insulating covers around CNS axons forming myelin sheath
          2. Schwann Cells
            1. Large Nerves of the PNS
              1. Providing insulating coverings around long PNS axons
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