Zusammenfassung der Ressource
1.4 Wired and Wireless Networks
Joshua Guerrero V2
- Wide Area Network
- Computers are connected over a large
geographical area. This could be
several buildings/sites, town wide,
county wide or even country wide.
- WAN uses external hardware and
external infrastructure e.g. use of
satellite, phone lines or The Internet,
provided by a telecoms company
- The biggest WAN would be a
global collection of networks
(known as The Internet)
- Local area network
- Computers are connected together
over a small geographical area such
as a single building or a single site
- LAN has its own infrastructure of
cabling and network hardware due
to distance and practicalities
- Megabits Per Second.
- Personal Area Network
- Personal devices are connected,
often in the home
- Transmission over a short distance (10m) by
devices such as laptops, phones, tablets,
media players, speakers, printers
- Bluetooth could be used as well
as wi-fi/cables
- Domain Name System.
- Fibre optic cables
- This transmit data through light so do not
suffer from electrical interference.
- Data can be transmitted over very large distances
without any loss of signal quality
- They are able to transmit data at a higher bandwidth.
- They are very expensive
- Metropolitan Area Network
- Devices are connected in a city
- Less common now that it used to be due to
the widespread availability of fast mobile
data using 4G
- Bandwidth
- Bandwidth is the amount of
data that can be
- There are two ways of setting up a network to share
data and services where computers have different
relationships with each other
- Client Server
- The network relies on a
central server
- All clients (devices) request services from the
server (e.g. print services / file services)
- Additional hardware would be needed
e.g. high end powerful servers
- Client computers are a lower
spec than the server
- Servers can be specialised
eg printer server, email
server Server can be a
computer or the software
- Receives and processes requests from " clients" made is another
device on the network server stored user account details and files
- Peer-Peer
- All computers have equal status
- Each device can act as a
client and a server
- All devices can request and provide
network services
- No additional hardware / software needed to
set up this type of network so are easy to set