Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Stalin's Economic Policies
- Russia's Needs
- Potential for World Superpower
- Backward Country
- Industrialisation
- More Food Production
- Growing Worker Population
- Collectivisation
- Peasants grouped
on larger farms
- Farms supplied by State
- Most Produce to Goverment
- Opposition from Kulaks
- Murdered/Imprisioned
- Huge Propaganda
Campaign to get
peasants onside
- Actually Decreased
Food Production
- Peasants never
opposed as result
- The Five-Year Plans
- Reasons
- Carry out Socialism
- Create a Showpiece
for World
- Sercurity
- Two Plans
- Second for Armaments
- First for Goods and Infastructure
- Worked very effectively
- Russia became Super Power
- Vast Projects produced
- Magnitogorsk
- Living Standards Improved eventually
- Targets very high
- Unmet meant Purged
- Unreliable figures from this Period
- Many Deaths
- Poor Working Conditions