Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Abortion
- You knit me together in my
mothers womb. Psalm 139
- If you hit I pregnant women,
you are to take life for life.
- From the time my
mother conceived me
- Baby leaped in her womb. John
- Euthanasia
- Thou shalt not kill. Exodus
- Made in the image of
God. Genesis
- You do not belong to
yourself. 1 Corinthians
- The Lord give me everything I had
and the Lord has taken it away. Job
- A time to be born and a
time to die. Eccesiaties
- Love your neighbour as yourself.
- Capital Punishment
- Whoever murders... will
be killed. Genesis
- Eye for an eye.
- Turn the other cheek. Matthew
- Whoever has not sinned let
him through the first stone.
- You reap what you
sow. Galations
- Everyone must obey state
authorities. Romans
- Crime and Forgiveness
- Parable of the unforgiving servant
- Parable of the lost son
- Lords prayer