How does water shortage impact people and countries


Mindmap am How does water shortage impact people and countries, erstellt von Ezra Eio am 06/09/2014.
Ezra Eio
Mindmap von Ezra Eio, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ezra Eio
Erstellt von Ezra Eio vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

How does water shortage impact people and countries
  1. Domestic impact
    1. Increased difficulty in collecting water
      1. because of droughts/90% of water is used for agriculture, leaving little for domestic use
        1. Women in some parts of Asia and Africa have to walk 6km to collect water
          1. Can only bring back as much as they carry
            1. Water collected may be dirty
              1. Water-borne diseases such as cholera
          2. Water Rationing
            1. Making Water available only at certain times of the day by cutting off water supply
              1. During droughts, government impose water rationing to conserve the water supply
                1. Inconvenience
            2. Economic Impact
              1. Reduced Agricultural yields
                1. water supply decreases, crop yield decreases
                  1. a lot of water needed to grow crops such as rice
                    1. groundwater stocks becoming depleted
                      1. drilling deeper wells often result in drawing water from salty underground pools which poisons crops and destroys soil
                      2. droughts
                    2. Increased cost of industrial production
                      1. Cost of producing and manufacturing goods
                        1. Power plants use a lot of water to cool parts of generators
                          1. During lack of water, power output decreases
                            1. Cut in power production increases price of power
                        2. Beverage industry also affected as they also use a lot of water in production for rinsing,cleaning,heating, cooling
                        3. Political Impact (conflict over water supply)
                          1. problems may arise when many countries tap into the same water resource
                            1. one country's use of the resource could reduce the amt available to another country
                            2. e.g Mekong River
                              1. Countries that tap: Lao PDR, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, China, Myanmar
                                1. e.g Lao PDR's proposal to build the Xayaburi Dam
                                  1. Decreases flow of water downstream, thus there are many objections
                                    1. Affects the livelihood of many who rely on the river to maintain their fisheries and farmland
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