Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- 1984
- Written by George Orwell
- Novel
- Genre: Dystopian
- Characters
- Winston
- Julia
- O'Brien
- Big Brother
- Themes
- Future Worlds
- Totalitarianism
- Control of history and public information
- Technology
- Symbols
- Room 101
- Glass paperweight
- Telescreens
- Red - armed prole woman
- Coffee & Chocolate - luxeries of the past
- Diary - represents the past
- Gin/Wine/Beer - what you drink is associated with your social class. Gin - outer party, Wine - Inner party, Beer - proles
- Light - freedom & hope
- Key
- "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"
- "The past was dead, the future was unimaginable"
- "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted all else follows."
- Cabaret
- Characters
- Sally
- relaxed, free spirited personality
- irresponsible & outgoing
- questionable morals
- Brian
- quiet, reserved englishman
- vulnerable
- sexually inexperienced
- Maximilian
- decadent character
- rich, leads a pleasuring life
- Feels it is his duty to corrupt Sally & Brian
- Aristocrat
- Fritz
- Gigolo
- Ambitious
- jewish religion
- Natalia
- jewish relgion
- wealthy family
- innocent
- Directed by Robert Fosse
- Social Historical Setting
- Cabaret was set in Berlin, Germany in order to depict the rise of Hitler and Nazi
- Themes
- Sexuality
- Nazi History
- Morals
- Divine Decadence
- Corruption
- False Dreams
- Important quotes
- "Life is a Cabaret, ol' chum, so come to the Cabaret."
- "Divine Decadence Darling"
- Metalanguage
- Mise - en - scene
- Setting
- Design
- Costumes
- Acting
- Lighting
- Mise - en - shot
- Camera Distance
- Camera Angle
- Camera Movement
- Editing
- Sound
- Diagetic
- Non - diagetic
- Persuasive Language
- Alliteration
- Anecdote
- Attack
- Cliche
- Connotation
- Appeal
- Emotive Language
- Statistics
- Hyperbole
- Generalisation
- Inclusive Language
- Pun
- Repitition
- Rhetorical Question
- Useful phrases
- Substantiating this point
- used in order to...
- elucidates
- argues
- contends
- establishes
- Steps to Analyse
- Highlight
- Determine PLTS
- DIstinguish arguments
- Determine the effect on the reader for each PLT
- Highlight contention