Influences on teen’s development


Mindmap am Influences on teen’s development, erstellt von Emmanuel Rito am 27/02/2018.
Emmanuel  Rito
Mindmap von Emmanuel Rito, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Emmanuel  Rito
Erstellt von Emmanuel Rito vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Influences on teen’s development
  1. Adolescence
    1. is essentially a time of changes by which the process of transformation of the child
      1. individual autonomy
        1. establishment of an identity.
        2. Identity searching
          1. finding an identity
            1. being a unique individual, a kind of feeling of individual uniqueness.
              1. Seeks the establishment of know who you are
              2. Influenceability
                1. The importance that the search for an identity
                  1. in adolescence is what makes the adolescent vulnerable to social influences.
                    1. can be taken in a good or bad way
                      1. critical capacity
                      2. Where the teenager can get good or bad influences?
                        1. Social environment
                          1. Family
                            1. Friends
                              1. School
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