
Mindmap am OUR PERFECT SCOOL, erstellt von danna sofia Villanueva am 01/03/2018.
danna sofia Villanueva
Mindmap von danna sofia Villanueva, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
danna sofia Villanueva
Erstellt von danna sofia Villanueva vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Danna and Nicole will have a great office at school.
    1. Nicole will set a very large library for the students
      1. Danna will create lockers for the scool
        1. Nicole and Danna will put multiple spots for the students
          1. Nicole will prepare a student newspaper
            1. Danna will create summer camps for the students
              1. Danna and Nicole will add classes in photography, theater, among others for the students
                1. Nicole and Danna will put cooking classes at the school
                  1. Nicole will put gardening class for the students who are interested
                    1. Danna will place art classes for the school
                      1. Danna and Nicole will build a very big school
                        1. We will be the coordinators of the school
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