Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Introduction to politics
- Roles of states
- minimal
- Provide proctection
- gov. does not get involved
- Small gov
- More freedoom
- Developmental
- Medium gov.
- intervenes in economy
- like a
- help develop
- Social Democratic
- More hands on
- More
- Big gov.
- Social
- Collectivist
- Group owned
- Communism
- Economy ruled by state
- huge gov.
- Totalitarian
- Nazis
- Maximum power
- Total gov.
- Terminology
- Country
- Tangible
- Borrders
- Geography
- Nation
- Identity
- Beliefs and values shared
- Society of a
- Religion
- State
- Parliament
- gov. institutions
- soveriegnty
- Police force
- Categories of state
- liberal democracies
- minority rights
- system representative
- vote/ elections
- individual liberties
- constitution
- illiberal democracies
- more authority
- limited rights
- halfway democracy
- part elections
- Transitional
- Authoritarian regime
- no rights
- no
- no voting
- dictatorship
- Centralised power
- Decentrailisation
- federal countries
- power is shared
- local gov.
- power is not focused
- Seperation of powers
- Centralisation
- power is focused
- total authority
- hand of one
- one person or party rule
- Government
- Parliament
- Laws
- Courts
- Soveirngty
- Legitiment authority
- Rulership
- Primeminister
- Authority
- law enforcment
- Power
- might
- Head of
- right to rule
- Legitimacy
- agreed upon
- rule of law
- voted