Changing UK landscapes


Mind Map on Changing UK landscapes, created by Ash Gogna on 11/03/2018.
Ash Gogna
Mindmap von Ash Gogna, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ash Gogna
Erstellt von Ash Gogna vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Changing UK landscapes
  1. UK Rock Types
    1. Sedimentary
      1. Chalk & Sandstone
        1. Formed in layers called beds, often contain fossils, soft , erode easily
        2. Igneous
          1. Granite & Basalt
            1. Hard, formed of crystals, resistant to erosion, usually impermeable
            2. Metamophic
              1. Schist & Slate
                1. formed with heat & pressure
              2. High & Low lands
                1. NW = HIGH LANDS =Harder Rocks= igneous
                  1. steep slopes, poor soils
                  2. SE = LOW LANDS = Softer = sedimentary
                    1. low land = lower course of river = so river meanders = so easy to defend towns
                      1. low land = coastal plains + natural harbours for fishing villages & shallow points of river where fords could be made eg Oxford
                      2. low land = easier to build transports, such as roads, railways, tram lines
                      3. spilt by the Tees- Exe line
                      4. Physical Proccesess
                        1. River Erosion
                          1. As river meanders, it erodes a wide valley between low hills, the river transports sediments from from river channel
                          2. River Deposition
                            1. Prolonged heavy rain can cause flooding, water spreads out all over valley floor, depositting sediments to form a wide floodplian
                          3. Human Activity
                            1. Humans have altered the UK landscapes by farming,
                              1. Pastoral farming, sheep, cows are in uplands areas
                                1. grazing land
                              2. crops in lowland, flat land
                                1. flat land, easier to build on
                                2. Forestry
                                  1. planting trees in straight lines, changing natural woodlands from irregular patterns to regular
                                  2. Drainage Systems
                                    1. straight drainage ditches constructed


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