Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Diet And Nutrition
- Vitamins
- Fat Soluble
- A, D, E and K
- Found In Fatty Foods And Animal
- Stores These In
The Liver
- Water Soluble
- B and C
- Found In Wide Range Of
Foods Such As Fruit And
- Aren't Stored In Body
So Need To Be Taken
- Role
- Provide Amino Acids
For Haemoglobin
And Myoglobin
- Form Components Of
- Boost Immune System
- Help Brain Function
- Convert Food Fuels Into Energy
- Proteins
- Provide Amino Acids
- Enzyme And Hormone Creation
- Growth And Repair Of Muscles
- Carbohydrates
- Simple
- Found In Fruit
- Easily Digested
- Complex
- Found In Most Plant Based Foods
- Take longer To
- Stored In Muscles And Liver
As Glycogen
- Found In Blood As Glucose
- Too Much And It Will Be
Stored As Adipose Tissue
- Fats
- Unsaturated
- Mono-
- Poly-
- High Density Lipoproteins
- Transport Cholesterol To Liver
Where It Is Broken Down -
Reduce Cholesterol Levels
- Saturated
- Low Density Lipoproteins
- Transport Cholesterol To Tissues
- Stored As Triglycerides In
Adipose Tissue And
Skeletal Muscle
- Releases Energy In A
Process Called Beta
- Minerals
- Inorganic Compounds From Food
And Water Which Are Vital For
Cell Functioning
- Functions
- Calcium
- For Bones And Teeth
- Help Muscle Contractions
And Nerve Impulses
- Phosphorous
- Essential Part Of ATP AND PC
Stores - Needed For Energy
- Iron
- Component Of Haemoglobin And Myoglobin
- Sodium + Potassium
- Help Maintain Correct Exchange Of
Nutrients And waste Products
- Electrolytes
- Maintain Homeostasis
- Water
- Blood Plasma Is Made Up Of 90% Water
- Transports Oxygen, Nutrients,
Glucose, Fatty Acids, Hormones, CO2
And Lactic Acid
- Most Body Processes Take Place In A Watery Medium
- Regulates Body Temp.
- Losing Water Causes...
- Body Temp. To Rise
- Blood Becomes Viscous
- Heart Rate Increases
- Electrolytes Lost
- Muscle Fatigue
- Cramp
- Headache
- Impulses Decrease
- Fibres
- Helps Digestive System Function Properly
- By Helping It Absorb Water And Nutrients
Into Blood Stream
- Insoluble Fibres Absorb Water In Intestine
- Helps Excretion Of Waste
- Soluble Fibres Contribute To Lowering Blood
Cholesterol And Maintaining Blood Glucose