Zusammenfassung der Ressource
2.5 Carbon Cycle
- Important carbon compounds
- Biomolecules
- Proteins
- CaCO⌄3
- Limestone
- CO⌄2
- Greenhouse Gases (GHG)
- Atmosphere
- CH⌄4
- Methane
- Hydrocarbons
- Fossil Fuels
- Carbon (C)
- Organic
- Biomass
- Plants/Animals
- Inorganic
- Fossil fuels
- Oil/Coal
- Chemically Versatile
- Present in all life forms
- Cycle through the earth by the
Carbon cycle
- Origins of C on Earth
- Earth's interior
- Found in the mantle
- Plate boundaries
- Stores
- Biomass
- Ocean
- CO⌄2 dissolved in oceans
- Carbon Removal
- Sedimentary rock
- Atmosphere
- Trees photosynthesis (CO⌄2 ∴ removed form the atmosphere)
- Major Stores of Carbon
- Biosphere
- Plant litter
- 1) Leaves falls off plants
- Living vegetation
- Soil humus
- 2) Leaves then become soil humus
- Animals
- Peat
- 3) Eventually becomes peat
- Lithosphere (rock)
- Crust + upper most of mantle
- Inorganic
- Fossil fuels
- Limestone
- Stores
- Marine
- Soil
- Fossil fuels
- Peat
- Organic
- Humid substances
- Decaying material
- Hydrosphere
- Oceans
- Dissolved in CO⌄2
- Organisms
- Plankton
- Plants
- Fish
- Stores in water (Levels)
- Surface
- Plants to photosynthesise
- Intermediate
- Deeper water
- Living organic matter
- Fish/Plankton
- Atmosphere
- Human Activities
- CO₂
- Global warming
- Increase conc. of CO₂ in atmosphere
- CO₂
- 0.04٪ in Atmosphere
- Controls Earth's temp
- Mauna Loa Curve
- Created in Hawaii has been measuring CO₂ levels for
50yrs to produce the graph