Lana del Rey


Mapa Mental en Lana del Rey, creado por Valentina Tovar en 03/04/2018.
Valentina Tovar
Mindmap von Valentina Tovar, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Valentina Tovar
Erstellt von Valentina Tovar vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Lana del Rey
  1. Family
    1. His father is a businessman dedicated to homes on the Internet
      1. She has a tattoo of the letter M in honor of her grandmother Madeline.
        1. Her mother is named Patricia Ann Hill
          1. She has a sister and her name is Caroline Grant
          2. Personal Description
            1. She measures 1 meter with 68 centimeters high
              1. She weighs 56 kg
                1. She has her brown hair
                  1. She has her hazel eyes
                  2. Hobbies
                    1. She likes to listen to pop, trip hop, indie pop and alternative rock
                      1. She likes to sing
                        1. She likes to play the guitar
                          1. She likes the sea
                          2. Personal Information
                            1. Her name is Elizabeth Woolridge Grant
                              1. She was born on June 21, 1986
                                1. She is 32 years old
                                  1. She studied in Kent School and at Fordham University
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