Online Documents


Pages 8, 9 and 10 in WorkBook
Mindmap von rvlewis56, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von rvlewis56 vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Online Documents
  1. Compressing Files
    1. Zip-Files
      1. Zip-files are where you put more than one document, image, file into the same place and it is compacted down. Zip files are much easier to send, take less time and take up less memory and space on your device.
        1. Zip-files can be sent via email, any social media and any 'cloud' storage i.e dropbox.
        2. Upload and Download
          1. Uploading is where you place a document, image... online or in the 'cloud'.
            1. Downloading is where you import something from the internet to your own computer or space from the internet.
          2. Online Software Advantages
            1. Online Software Controls
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