Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- alternative protein
- quorn
- tofu
- seeds and pluses
- health problem facing vegetarians
- limited protein in diet
- as reduced meat intake
- may not get right
vitamins and minerals
- prices
- cost compared with meat
- quorn
- if limited finance will be able to become vegetarian
- reason of becoming vegetarian
- don't like taste of meat
- don't want
animal dying for
no reason
- allergic
- because parents are
- better for them
- you may have to seasonally change diet
- if mainly eat veg then with
season have to change
- vegetables
- you may base diet on vegetables
- problems
- may have less energy
- may become pale
- limited b12
- may not like
- some packaged products contain
unknown meat sources so unable to
eat these
- buying ready meal have to check able to eat them
- may have low bone mineral density,
limited level of omeaga 3 . Increased risk
of colorectal cancer also have iron and
zinc Deficiency
- ethnic group views
- Christianity
- buddhisam
- islam
- hinduism
- types
- Semi-vegetarian:
- Lacto ovo
- Vegan
- Lacto vegetarian
- pesco vegetarian
- fruitarian
- benefits
- low saturated fat,and cholesterol
- high carbohydrate
- high fibre, magnesium, potassium, folate, and antioxidants such as vitamins C and
- low blood pressure