Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- getting through to the reader
- persuading the reader
- try to convince them to buy
- contains facts and information
- includes key points- sub heading/ repition/
memorable phrases/emotional text
- speaking directly to the reader
- using clear links (e.g ' save an animal for £3'
- disliking/liking a character
- rhtorical questions
- make a point about the text
- Use a quotation from the text
- make a comment on it overall
- explicit- open/clear/obvious setting
- inplicit- close not obvious setting
- Simile- He runs AS fast as the wind
- Metaphor- He is LIKE the wind
- personification- make it sound like a person
(e.g the cat NIBBLED at John's jumper)
- Alliteration- repeat words with the same letter
(e.g Doodling Ducks Do Dazzling Dancing)
- Sibilance- repition of the 'S' sound (e.g
- Onomatopoeia- a word that sound like it is (e.g POP)