Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Biology Chapter 10 Test 10.2
- Darwin observed variation
among island species
- variation is the difference in the physical
traits of an individual from those of other
individuals in the group to which it belongs
- interspecific....same
- intraspecific....different
- domed tortoises
- short neck and short
legs and live in areas
with low vegetation
- saddle-backed tortoises
- high shell edges allowing
them to stretch their long
neks to reach tall
- finches with strong,
thick beaks live in areas
with a lot of large, hard
shelled nuts
- finches with delicate beaks live
in areas with insects and fruits
- Darwin realized species could
adapt to their environment
- An adaptation is a feature that allows an
organism to better survive and reproduce in its
- can lead to a change in population over time
- Darwin observed fossil and geologic
evidence of an ancient Earth
- fossil evidence
- finding of the Glyptodon (giant armadillo)
fossil....modern animals might have some
relationship to fossil forms
- geologic evidence
- fossil shells of marine
organisms high up in the
Andes Mountains
- land that had been underwater was moved
up above sea level through earthquake
- supported Lyell's theory that daily
geologic processes can add up to
great change over long periods of
- evolutionary