Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- General recap
- Sinx/cosx = tanx
- sin^2x + cos^2x = 1
- 1+ cot^2x = cosec^2x
- tan^2x+ 1 = sec^2x
- Graphs
- sinx
- Period of 360 degrees.
Max: 1 Min: -1. Hidden
value= 180-ANS then
add 360.
- cosx
- Period of 360 degrees
Max: 1 Min: -1. Hidden
value= -ANS then add
- tanx
- Period of 180
degrees. No max
or min. Hidden
values +/- 180.
- cosecx= 1/sinx
- secx= 1/cosx
- cotx= 1/tanx
- = cosx/sinx
- Compound Angle Formula
- Sin(A+/-B) = sinAcosB +/- cosAsinB
- Cos(A+/-B) = cosAcosB -/+ sinAsinB
- Tan(A+/-B) = tanA +/- tanB / 1 -/+ tanAtanB
- Double Angle Formula
- Sin2A = sin(A+A) = 2sinAcosA
- Cos2A = cos(A+A) = 1-2sin^2A
or 2cos^2A-1
- Tan2A = tan(A+A) =
2tanA / 1-tan^2A
- asinx+bcosx
- Rcos(A+B)= R(cosAcosB-sinAsinB)
- Rcos(A-B)= R(cosAcosB+sinAsinB)
- Rsin(A-B)= sinAcosB-cosAsinB
- Rsin(A+B)= sinAcosB+cosAsinB