Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Unseen Prose Non-fiction
- Question Structure
- Assessment Objectives
- AO1
- Terminology
- Written expression
- AO2
- Analysis
- Evaluation
- AO3
- Context
- Typically, the writer is English or American
- The piece could have been written between
the 18th century and the 21st century
- Exam information
- The entire paper is 2.5 hours
- Spend about an hour to
answer this question
- 20 marks- the lowest
amount of marks
across the 2 exams
- It is in the same paper as
Gatsby and Larkin, Paper
- If studying Gatsby and Larkin, then the theme of the
unseen prose non-fiction will be 'Society and the
- Other themes include 'Love and Loss',
'Encounters', and 'Crossing Boundaries'
- Possible ideas/ themes
- Collective experiences and loneliness
- Age
- New experiences
- Boredom
- City vs. Countryside
- Prejudice and discrimination
- Hierarchies
- Tradition and change
- 'Critically evaluate how the writer conveys...'
- Structure
- Establish your argument
- The writer's attitude towards...
- Mode
- Audience
- Purpose
- Tone
- Define the register
- Does it meet genre conventions?