7H Atoms, Elements and Compounds


7H Science - Revision
Mindmap von James WALTON, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von James WALTON vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

7H Atoms, Elements and Compounds
  1. Chemical abbreviations are abbreviated chemical substances formatted into few or more letters.
    1. Example: Copper sulphate - CuSO4
      1. Occasionally numerical letters are introduced into the abbreviation to show equal balanced atoms within the chemicals mixtures.
    2. Metals and non-metals have typically similar properties such as...
      1. Non-metals have a low melting-point whereas metals have high melting-points
        1. Modern technology is now evolving using indium, gallium and antimony for smart phone chargers, and are now in short supply
        2. Atoms are the smallest particle of the chemical element - constructing many and all chemical elements ever formed
          1. Also introducing molecules - a group of bonded atoms
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