Sensationalism in Media


Mindmap am Sensationalism in Media, erstellt von georgina.sanchez am 12/10/2014.
Mindmap von georgina.sanchez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von georgina.sanchez vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Sensationalism in Media
  1. PARTS
    1. Hyperbole (Exaggeration)
      1. Impacting Images
        1. Adjectives
          1. Intonation
            1. Story-Telling
            2. Title
              1. Bullet points
                1. Short paragraphs
                  2. PURPOSES
                    1. Manipulation
                      1. Bias
                        1. Critical Thinkers
                        2. Interests
                          1. Economical
                            1. Political
                            2. Economical Target
                              1. Selling to the market
                              2. Conservative or not
                                1. Right Wing
                                  1. Left Wing
                                2. COMPLEXITIES
                                  1. Nature of Media
                                    1. Target Audience
                                      1. Content
                                        1. Aims
                                        2. Stategies
                                        3. Examples of British Tabloids
                                          1. The Daily Mail
                                            1. Mirror Online
                                              1. The Sun
                                                1. Daily Star
                                                  1. The Huffington Post
                                                    1. Anorak
                                                    2. What is Sensationalism?
                                                      1. The use of shocking details and critical thinking to cause a lot of excitement or interest
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