Leuka school fundraising


Mindmap am Leuka school fundraising, erstellt von rayyaharley am 09/07/2013.
Mindmap von rayyaharley, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von rayyaharley vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Leuka school fundraising
  1. Pocket money
    1. Family/parents match
      1. Decide how much you want to donate to Leuka and see if your parents can match it
      2. Piggy bank
        1. Make your own leuka piggy bank, and for every £2 you get put £1 in your Leuka piggy
      3. After school clubs
        1. Dance
          1. Do a dance show and sell cakes to raise money for Leuka
            1. Sell DVD's and pictures of the dance show or Leuka dance t-shirts after the show to sell to parents
            2. Drama
              1. Do a performance and sell cakes or treats on a stall for Leuka
              2. Guides/scouts
                1. Nominate your leader to make Leuka your charity to fundraise for
                2. Basketball / Football / Netball
                  1. tournament
                    1. Students against teachers
                      1. Bring in a parent/carer/brother or sister to challenge. people pay a bet to Leuka for who is going to win
                      2. Sports day
                        1. Total wipe out challange
                    2. Special days / events
                      1. Birthdays
                        1. Instead of birthday presents ask for money to be donated to Leuka
                        2. Christmas
                          1. Christmas themed talent show
                            1. X-factor (Christmas songs)
                              1. Christmas quiz
                              2. Easter
                                1. Instead of Easter eggs ask for the money to be donated to Leuka
                                  1. Organise an Easter Egg Hunt. Try to get a free prize from a local business and charge entry fee
                                  2. Halloween
                                    1. Put on a Halloween party, and have a Leuka stall that sells spooky gifts and treats.
                                      1. Fancy dress competition: whoever is in the best fancy dress gets a donated prize
                                      2. Pyjama / fancy dress day
                                        1. Games day
                                          1. Each pupil pay £1 to bring in their favourite game
                                          2. Art day
                                            1. Pupils do artwork and sell it to parents
                                            2. Bad hair day
                                              1. Auction
                                                1. Snail races
                                                  1. Challenge your friends and teachers. Have a donated prize for the best painted snail and for the winning snail
                                                  2. Total wipe out
                                                    1. Make crazy obstacle courses and race your friends and teachers and charge entry fee
                                                    2. Raffle
                                                    3. Social media
                                                      1. Facebook
                                                        1. Like for a rate and sentence
                                                        2. Twitter
                                                          1. Do a daring tweet
                                                            1. e.g. Like and I will put up a video of me dancing in a shop
                                                        3. Yearly school events
                                                          1. End of term show
                                                            1. Dance
                                                              1. Music
                                                                1. Drama
                                                                2. Summer fete
                                                                  1. cake sale
                                                                    1. Sponge/pie through
                                                                      1. BBQ
                                                                        1. Face painting
                                                                        2. own Leuka stall
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