Cellular Processes


Mindmap am Cellular Processes, erstellt von Eleanor Gilbert am 29/08/2018.
Eleanor Gilbert
Mindmap von Eleanor Gilbert, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Eleanor Gilbert
Erstellt von Eleanor Gilbert vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Cellular Processes
  1. Enzymes
    1. Factors that affect enzyme activity
      1. Temperature
        1. pH
          1. Substrate concentration
            1. Cofactors
              1. Inhibitors
              2. Model of action
                1. Lock and key
                  1. Induced fit
                2. Respiration
                  1. Phases
                    1. Phase 1; Glycolysis
                      1. Phase 2: Krebs cycle
                        1. Phase 3: Electron transport chain
                        2. Importance
                          1. Factors that affect rate
                            1. Temperature
                              1. Energy demand of cell
                              2. Equation
                              3. Photosynthesis
                                1. Factors that affect rate
                                  1. Light intensity
                                    1. CO2 concentration
                                      1. Water
                                        1. Temperature
                                        2. Importance
                                          1. Phases
                                            1. Light dependent reactions
                                              1. Light independent reactions
                                              2. Equation
                                              3. Cell Cycle
                                                1. Mitosis
                                                  1. Phases
                                                    1. Outcome
                                                      1. Factors that affect rate
                                                        1. Cell type
                                                          1. Any factor that affects enzymes
                                                            1. Availability of nutrients
                                                          2. Growth 1
                                                            1. Synthesis
                                                              1. DNA replication
                                                                1. Key steps
                                                                  1. Safeguards to ensure exact copying
                                                                    1. Semi conservative replication
                                                                      1. Complementary base pairing
                                                                  2. Growth 2
                                                                  3. Transport
                                                                    1. Passive transport
                                                                      1. Diffusion
                                                                        1. Facilitated diffusion
                                                                          1. Osmosis
                                                                            1. Osmoregulation
                                                                              1. Animal cells
                                                                                1. In hypertonic solution
                                                                                  1. In hypotonic solution
                                                                                    1. In isotonic solution
                                                                                    2. Plant cells
                                                                                      1. In isotonic solution
                                                                                        1. In hypotonic solution
                                                                                          1. In hypertonic solution
                                                                                      2. Surface area: volume ratio
                                                                                        1. Adaptations to increase
                                                                                          1. Importance of
                                                                                      3. Active transport
                                                                                        1. Cytosis
                                                                                          1. Endocytosis
                                                                                            1. Phagocytosis
                                                                                              1. Pinocytosis
                                                                                              2. Exocytosis
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