Force, work and Energy


Mindmap am Force, work and Energy, erstellt von Andrea Fernández am 20/10/2014.
Andrea Fernández
Mindmap von Andrea Fernández, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Andrea Fernández
Erstellt von Andrea Fernández vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Force, work and Energy
  1. Force
    1. Is pushing and pulling things
      1. Can move and stop thing
        1. Can change direction
        2. Work
          1. It things don't move that means work is not done
            1. Is done when force can move something
            2. Energy
              1. Is the capacity of doing some work
                1. All things need energy to move
                  1. Bulbs use Electric Energy
                    1. Heat Energy
                      1. Solar Energy
                        1. Energy can be stored
                          1. Hydel Energy
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