Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Contingency Theories
of Leadership
- Path Goal Model of Leadership
- Leader's job is to clarify the path for
their followers to achieve goals and
assist followers in attaining their
goals by providing the necessary
direction and support
- Leader needs to keep path
clear and maintain follower's
motivation by directing,
guiding, and coaching
- Expectancy Theory of Motivation
- Subordinates will be motivated if
they believe that their effort will
result in the required level of
performance, achieving the
required level of performance will
result in a desirable personal
payoff/reward, the payoffs for
doing their work are personally
- Motivational Force =
Expectancy x
Instrumentality x Valence
- Task Situations
Requiring Leader
- Ambiguous
- Requires direction
- Highly Repetitive Situations
- Requires leader support
- Subordinate Characteristics
- Strong Need for Affiliation
- friendly and concerned
leadership is a source of
satisfaction, supportive
- Preference for Structure
- Dogmatic and authoritarian, leadership
provides psychological structure, directive
leadership required
- Desire for Control
- External locus of control requires
directive leadership. Internal locus
of control requires participative
- Perception of their own Ability
- as perception of ability goes up, need
for highly directive leadership goes
- Fiedler's Contingency Model
- Least Preferred Coworker (LPC)
- High score means coworker is
relationship motivated
- Low score means coworker is
task motivated
- Fiedler's Contingencies
- Leader-member relations:
Degree of confidence, trust,
respect members have in
their leader
- Task Structure: Degree to which the job
assignments are procedurized
- Position Power: Degree of influence
a leader has over power variables
such as hiring, firing