Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Shelia Birling
- Start
- Childlike
- "Mummy"
- "Daddy"
- Referred to as "the child"
- Deattached "the"
- Sent to bed by mother
- Naive
- Doesn't care that the marriage is
convenient rather than full of love
- "kisses Eric haistly"
- Ring is materialistic rather than love
- "Now I really feel engaged"
- Normally chosen
together but Eric does
- Like their home
- Envolvment with Eva
- Jealous
- uses power and money to get her fired
- "I went to the manager.. and i told them if
they didn't get rid of that girl Id never go
here the place again and Id pursued mother
to close our account with them."
- "I caught her smiling at the assistance
- Self absorbed/ centered/ world revolves around her
- vain
- Shallow
- Very sheltered form outside world by parents
- Doesn't know what a prostiture is
- '"Whats this about streets?"
- DSoesnt understand suicide
- "Was it an accident?"
- protected
- End
- Intelligant
- Understands Inspector straight away
- "You talk as if we were responsible-"
- "But these girls rant cheap labour-theyre people
- Works out that he wasn't at the works
- Suspicion at start
- "I was awfully busy at the works" "Yes thats why you say"
- Shows compassion
- Recognises that he looks guily
- "Were you seeing her last spring and summer?"
- Gets inspector when Gerland doesn't
- Like Inspector
- Agrees with him
- PAGE 20: "Yes, I expect it would."
- Asks questions
- Wants to know the truth
- Excepts guilt
- Page 23: "And was is the girls fault" "No not really. It was my wn fault"
- Mature to except that, less self absorbed
- Miserable about it
- '(Miserable) Am I really responsible"
- Distressed
- Pauses a lot
- Shows remorse
- "(almost breaks down)"
- Sympathetic
- Sensitive
- Gaining power and confidence
- Interupts father on several occasions
- "(Cutting in) Why should you? He's finished
with you. He says its one of us now"
- Rude, Blunt, short sentences no way to speak to father
- Tells Gerlads who's of higher class not to be "stupid" and calls him a "fool"
- Curious
- "What was she like? Quite young"
- Asks lots of questions
- "(coming further in)"
- "Whats all this about?"
- Matures
- "Did you, DAD"
- No longer daddy
- No longer happy with being in an unloving relationship
- "Lets leave it at that" "We can't leave it at that"
- Intro
- Desrcirbed as being "A pretty girl in her
early twenties, very pleased with life and
rather excited.
- No different to rest of
family; happy in the
selfish, capitalist family
- Marrying Gerald, father is
pleased as he is of an higher
class and it would benefit his
- Daughter to Mr and Mrs Birling
and sister to Eric
- Becomes more individual to rest of family
- Wont set with being in a relationship with Gerland just for status and power
- Gains a lot of power
- Gives back ring
- No longer materialistic
- Grows up
- Happiness is destroys along with faith in family