Head injury


Mindmap am Head injury, erstellt von Fatima Alkhateeb am 30/09/2018.
Fatima Alkhateeb
Mindmap von Fatima Alkhateeb, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Fatima Alkhateeb
Erstellt von Fatima Alkhateeb vor mehr als 6 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Head injury
  1. Anatomy of the brain stem
    1. Consciousness
      1. State of being aware of external stimuli and one’s self.
        1. Regulated by reticular formation
          1. Set of interconnected nuclei within brainstem
            1. ARAS (cholinergic)
              1. DRAS (non-cholinergic
                1. Somatic motor, CVS, pain, consciousness, habituation
            2. Traumatic Brain Injury
              1. Concussion
                1. Can be accompanied with memory loss, altered neurological deficit
                2. Contusion
                  1. Hemorrhages on the surface of the brain
                3. Pathology
                    1. Management of brain injury
                      1. Initial resucitaton
                        1. Postresucitative care
                          1. Treatment of intracranial hypertension
                            1. Treatment and prophylaxis of complications
                        2. osmotic agent
                          1. anti-seizures
                            1. Phenytoin
                            2. Mannitol
                        3. Types of herniation
                          1. subfalcine herniation
                            1. transtentorial herniation
                              1. tonsillar herniation
                                1. transalar herniation
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