Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Larry Brilliant: My wish: Help me stop
pandemics - 2006
- Bird flu
- Epidemic curve
- Catch it early enough and isolate it to stop it spreading
- INSTEDD International System for Total Early Disease Detection
- early detection system built on GPHIN freely
available to anyone in the world in 70 languages .Not
owned by anyone
- text messages or SMS or instant messaging to find out from people who are
within 100 meters of the rumor that you hear if it is, in fact, valid. Added satellite confirmation
- Gapfinders graphics
- 4th disease that was intended for
eradication. Failed on these 3
- Malaria
- Yellow Fever
- Global Public Health Information Network
- Founded by Ron St. John IN 1997
- 800,000 dollars a
year, got cracking,
75 percent of all
the reports in the
world came from
GPHIN, 25 percent
of all the reports in
the world came
from all the other
180 nations.
- Polio
- Down to 3 countries (2014) Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan
- Professor David Heymann
- epidemiologist http://www.who.int/dg/adg/heymann/en/
- Surveillance program is 4 million people going door to door
- Seva Foundation
- 2012 - 2013: 1 million people
treated 56 hospitals supported
across 20 countries with 14
- Started as application of
door to door surveillance
system to a condition that
was not at the forefront of
eradication efforts Founded
- First Nepal survey ever done for health, and
the first nationwide blindness survey ever
done, That discovered blindness also caused
by cataract
- Can prevent what you dont knwo about
- Aravind Eye Hospital
- 2006 - give sight back to 300 000 people in Tamil Nadu India
- http://www.seva.org/site/PageServer
- Influenza
- Pandemic severity index
- http://bepast.org/disease_information/Pandemic%20Influenza/Pandemic%20Influenza%20Information/Two%20Color%20Table%20WHO%20Phases%20%20and%20HHS%20Stages%5B1%5D.jpg
- http://images2.dailykos.com/images/user/426/usg_who.jpg
- http://riskrapper.wordpress.com/2009/04/30/managing-pandemic-risk/
- In the the event of a pandemic
- Getting worse as migration is easier
- fluologists and specialists in
influenza " What do you think the
likelihood is that there'll be a
pandemic? If it happens, how bad do
you think it will be?"
- 15% thought a pandemix
would occur within 3 year
and 90% thought pandemic
in childs or grandchilds
- At least 1 billion would get sick
and up to 165 million would die
- Global recession and depression
- Jobs lost and health care system down
- Outbreak in HONG KONG picked up by GPHIN reacted by
slaughtering 1.5 million chickens
- Killer Small Pox 1966 - 1980
- Forms of small pox
- Discrete
- Usual form with separate
- https://scholarworks.iupui.edu/bitstream/handle/1805/1761/im-iumed-iph-1903-v5n7g4.jpg?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
- Confluent
- http://www.henriettes-herb.com/eclectic/thomas/pics/thomas-smallpox.html
- Form of smallpox (eradicated in
1977) that form large suppurate
areas and rapid deterioration of
- Hemorrahagic
- http://www.randomhouse.com/features/preston/cobraevent/smallpox4.html
- Also known as black pox. Does not form blisters but involves
hemorrhaging of skin, mucous membranes, and gastrointestinal tract.
High death risk in pregnant woman.
- Highly fatal
- variola sine eruptione
- Recoverable with no sign of pustulation or raises
- Flat small pox
- http://www2.cdc.gov/nip/isd/spoxclincian/contents/Photos_files/ref_photos_contents_files/flat-type_CU.htm
- Leisions are not raised above the skin
- 100% death rate
- CDC - Smallpox virus
- http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/smallpox/overview/disease-facts.asp
- First disease in history to be
globally eradicated. Declared
eradicated in 1980
- Parchment signed at Geneva on 9 December 1979, by the members of the
Global Commission for Certification of Smallpox Eradication
- Last case of
killer small pox
was Rahima
Banu in India
- Caused by the Variola
virus and killed 500
million people in the 20th
- 2 million p/ year in the
years Larry Page and
Sergey Brin was born
- Over a billion door to door house calls/search. Showed the
photographs to people to determine if anyone had these
symptoms. Score cards were kept for each house and noted
the date of the last visit
- Every house searched once a
month for 2 years
- Without door to door searches there was an illusion of small pox eradication as
people were less likely to report it Numbers of small pox cases increased with door
to door surveillance
- Reward that continued to raise and also
surveillance systems. Score cards to keep tabs
on it. Soon score cards dropped to zero.
- Limitations
- Not efficient to just vaccinate everyone
- Time and numbers of available volunteers
- Isolating all cases of small pox at once
- Deity
- In india the small pox deity was Shitala Mata -
the cooling mother and it was wrong to bring
strangers into your home when the deity was in
the house.
- supernatural being
- Issue caused a lack of incentive to report small pox. Occurred in several countries
- 10% of the houses were revisited
- Global fight against Brought
everyone together to fight it
(common cause to make the world