Cardiac Drugs


Mindmap am Cardiac Drugs, erstellt von abbey.g.herman am 28/07/2013.
Mindmap von abbey.g.herman, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von abbey.g.herman vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Cardiac Drugs
  1. Vasodilators
    1. Nitroprusside
      1. Indications: HTN and CHF without ischemia
        1. Side Effects: hTN, reflex tacky, cyanide toxicity
          1. MOA: direct smooth m. relaxation; decreases both preload and after load
            1. Toxicity if >1mg/kg is given in 2.5 hour period. Hallmark of cyanide toxicity: unexplained metabolic acidosis. Treatment: sodium nitrate, thiosulfate
            2. Nitroglycerin
              1. Indications: myocardial ischemia, pHTN, systemic HTN
                1. Side Effects: hTN, arrhthmias, myocardial ischemia
                  1. MOA: direct smooh muscle relaxation; primarily reduces preload
                2. Alpha and beta agnoists
                  1. Epinephrine
                    1. Indications: hTN, LV failure, bronchospasm
                      1. Side effects: HTN, arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia
                        1. Small doses (0.01-0.05mcg/kg/min: Beta2 - bronchodilation prominent 4ug/min: Beta 1 --> improved LV fxn 10-20ug/min - alpha + beta
                          1. Other effects: decreases RBF, Increases CO and HR
                          2. Dopamine
                            1. Indications: hTN, olifuria
                              1. Side effects: HTN, tachycardia, arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia
                                1. UNIQUE in its ability to increase contractility, renal BF and GFR
                                  1. Other: less arrhythmogenic than eli; only modest increase in HR; mix in D5Wto avoid inactivation of catechol with alkaline solution
                                    1. Dose effects: 1-2mcg/kg/min: dopaminergic, 2-10 beta, >10 alpha
                                    2. Dobutamine
                                      1. Indications: heart failure
                                        1. Side Effects: HTN, tachy, arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia
                                          1. Selective beta 1 agonist - improves CO (esp if HR and SVR are high); dose dependent increases in CO without marked increases in HR or BP
                                        2. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors: lead to increased c-AMP --> improved uptake, storage and release of Ca from SR
                                          1. Amrinone
                                            1. Indications: short term CHF tx
                                              1. Side effects: thrombocytopenia, tachyphylaxis, hypoK, GI effects
                                                1. Increases cardiac index while decreasing SVR and cardiac filling pressures. HR unchanged/increases very slightly. DOES NOT increase myocardial oxygen consumption. Also enhances A-V conduction; patients with atrial arrhythmias should be pretreated with digitalis
                                                2. Milrinone - enhanced vasodilatory properties compared to amrinone; causes greater decreases in LV pressure and BP than amrinone
                                                3. Chronotropes - heart rate
                                                  1. Atropine - 0.5mg q2min, total 2mg
                                                    1. Isoproterenol: B1 + B2 - useful in 3rd degree block and EMD. PROBLEM: may decrease SVR and MAP while also increasing HR, contractility and myocardial O2 consumption
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