Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- anatomy
- localizations
- physiology
- brain electrity
- pyramidal cells
- cortical basket cells
- seizures
- common S&S
- more than 1
- Epilepsy
- status epilepticus
- seizure lasts more
than 5 minutes
- morbidity
and mortality
- or seizures occur close together
and the person doesn't recover
between seizures.
- convulsive
- non-convulsive
- unprovoked
- pathophysiology
- types
- partial
- simple(awake)
- complex
- generalized
- Atonic
- Tonic-Clonic
- tonic
- myclonic
- absence
- complications
- brain injury
- physical injury
- todd's paresis
- sudden death
- investigations
- EEg
- blood glucose
- Head CT
- toxicology screen
- treatment