Oogenesis - Egg Development


Biology Zoology - Exam 3: Body Systems (Lecture 17: Animal Reproduction) Mindmap am Oogenesis - Egg Development, erstellt von augusteramos am 12/11/2014.
Mindmap von augusteramos, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von augusteramos vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Oogenesis - Egg Development
    1. Primordial germ cell
      1. Oogonium
        1. Primary Oocyte
          1. 2N
            1. Secondary Oocyte
              1. Ovulation: Sperm Entry
                1. Fertilized Egg
                  1. N
                  2. N
                    1. Second Polar Body
                  3. N
                    1. Meiosis II - Metaphase
                      1. Meiosis II Completed
                        1. Unequal cytokinesis
                          1. Puberty
                        2. Mature follicle
                          1. Becomes corpus luteum and degenerates
                        3. - in Follicle
                          1. =>
                        4. 2N
                        5. >
                          1. >
                          1. N
                            1. First Polar Body
                            2. In the Embryo
                              1. Mitotic divisions
                                1. Meiosis I - Prophase
                                  1. Meiosis I to Meiosis II
                                  2. Each diploid stem cell (2N) produces ONE haploid egg cell (1N)
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