Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Mock exams
- Characteristics of living things
- Cells
- Cell structure
- Specialised
- Magnification
- Calculating size of
specimen from
Microscope drawings
- Diffusion
- Osmosis
- Nutrition
- Biological molecules
- Food tests
- DIgestion
- Teeth
- Mechanical and chemical digestion
- Enzymes
- What they are
How they work
- Effect of pH and
temperature on enzyme
activity (describe and
explain) Functions of
enzymes in digestion
- Villi
- What
they are
- Why they are a significant
part of the small intestine
- The heart
- Veins and arteries
- Functions of each (type
of blood carried) How
the heart functions
- Main blood vessels to
and from the heart,
lungs and kidneys
- How structures of veins and
arteries and capillaries are
adapted to their functions
- Pulse rate
- Heart Disease
- Blood composition
- Components of the blood and functions
of each of them
- The Lungs
- Composition of air
- Smoking
- Respiration
- Plant structure
- The positions and Functions
of Xylem and Phloem
- Position and functions of root hair
cells How the structure of root hair
cells aids their function
- Translocation and transpiration
- Define transpiration and
Define Translocation
- Explain how the water
moves up through the
- How the environment affects
- Plant nutrition
- Sense Organs
- Nervous control in Humans
- Hormones and the
Endocrine system
- Define what a
hormone is and
where it is
- Adrenaline (fight/flight; effects
on breathing rate; pulse rate and
dilated pupils; how and why it
affects metabolic rate)
- Compare Nervous and
Endocrine system
- Homeostasis
- Define and Explain the
idea of control by negative
- Describe control of glucose
content of blood by liver and
how insulin and glucagon
from the pancreas play a part
in this
- Tropic responses in plants
- Asexual and sexual reproduction
- Sexual reproduction in