

Introduction to PowerApps Administration
Nishant Rana
Mindmap von Nishant Rana, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Nishant Rana
Erstellt von Nishant Rana vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

    1. USED BY
      1. MICROSOFT to build Dynamics 365 for Sales, Service, Marketing etc.
        1. Model Driven App - Enterprise Customers to build Line of Business Applications
          1. Canvas App - Individual to create personal or team productivity application. Canvas app can be embedded into Power Bi and Dynamics 365 App.
          2. LOW CODE / NO CODE
          3. ENVIRONMENTS
            1. CONTAINERS
              1. Manage Apps, Flow, Connections, Permissions etc.
              2. Tied to Geographic location
                1. Atmost 1 CDS for each Environment. Dynamics 365 CE apps will have one CDS Database created
                  1. Security Roles
                    1. CDS
                      1. Without :- Environment Administrator and Env. Maker
                        1. With:- Env. Admin becomes System Admin, Sytem Customizer, Env Maker, Common Data Service User , Delegate
                      2. Type : - Production , Default (special type of production), Sandbox, Trial (short term temporary), Developer (Community Plan License with no Sharing)
                        1. DEFAULT - Automatically created for each Tenant. Can't be disabled or deleted. All Tenant Users are added as Env. Maker. Only place where gateways can be created for connection on premise resource. In future will be supported for non default and also creation of CDS in default.
                        2. P2 License for creating environments
                        3. Connectors
                          1. Upon import to different environment - For PUBLIC references recreated and For CUSTOM manually reconfigured
                            1. CDS Connector connects to only one CDS Database, alternate is to use Dynamics 365 Connector
                              1. 200 + public
                              2. 2 types
                                1. Model Driven Apps
                                  1. Shared by assigning a security role
                                    1. Publish to make the changes available
                                    2. Canvas Apps
                                      1. Shared with Users, Groups or Entire Organization
                                        1. Every save creates a new version, old version can be restored, Publish this version to be make this changes available
                                      2. Shares and Involve
                                        1. Connection and Environment
                                          1. Microsoft FLOW
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                                        ähnlicher Inhalt

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