Anti - Piracy Advert Ideas


Mindmap am Anti - Piracy Advert Ideas, erstellt von Ravannah Liddar am 14/11/2014.
Ravannah Liddar
Mindmap von Ravannah Liddar, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ravannah Liddar
Erstellt von Ravannah Liddar vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Anti - Piracy Advert Ideas
  1. showing a world without movies or music
    1. Questions
      1. would you be angry is someone stole your work?
        1. What would you do if you was a criminal?
          1. If you get fined?
            1. Then why do u illegal download
            2. Peoples own opinions of world without music and movies
              1. showing people without movies and music
                1. Piracy Information
                  1. Video providing information
                  2. Intro video
                    1. Real People
                      1. Staying stop piracy
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