Computer Science 3 - Issues


GCSE Computing Mindmap am Computer Science 3 - Issues, erstellt von Veronika Lapuridi am 29/01/2019.
Veronika Lapuridi
Mindmap von Veronika Lapuridi, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Veronika Lapuridi
Erstellt von Veronika Lapuridi vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Computer Science 3 - Issues
  1. Ethical + Cultural
    1. Privacy
      1. Companies can sell details like buying habits and likes/dislikes to advertisers
      2. Censorship
        1. Some governments use it to restrict access to information
          1. Many countries use some form
            1. For example restricting access for children
        2. Surveillance
          1. Many governments use surveillance.
            1. For example intelligence agencies in order to find any illegal activity
          2. Impact Social Well-being
            1. Cyberbullying
              1. Trolling
                1. Digital Divide
                2. Health Problems
                  1. Eyestrain
                    1. Repetitive Strain Injury
                      1. Back problems+ poor posture
                    2. Environmental
                      1. Using up natural recources
                        1. Crude oil
                          1. Precious metals
                            1. Energy
                              1. Pollution
                                1. Scarce recources
                              2. E-waste
                              3. Computer Legislation
                                1. Data Protection Act
                                  1. Gives rights to data subejects
                                    1. Data should be adequate, relevant and not excessive for the specified use
                                      1. Data should not be kept longer than necesarry
                                        1. Data should not be transferred abroad without adequate protection
                                          1. Data must only be used in a fair and lawful way
                                            1. Data must be accurate and kept up-to-date
                                              1. Data should be kept safe and secure
                                                1. The rights of the data subjects must be observed
                                                  1. Data must only be used for the specified purpose
                                                  2. Companies must register with the government and say what info they are holding and how theyll use it
                                                  3. Freedom of Information Act
                                                    1. allows members of the public to access information held by a public organisation about its activities
                                                      1. This includes: Houses of parliament, local councils, armed forces, NHS,police authorities,schools and unis
                                                    2. Computer Misuse Act
                                                      1. Prevents illegal access to files
                                                        1. gaining Unauthorised access or unauthorised modification of computer material
                                                      2. Copyright, designs and patents act
                                                        1. Creative Commons license
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