Freak The Mighty Time Line:


Reading Stuff Mindmap am Freak The Mighty Time Line:, erstellt von norjul17 am 17/08/2013.
Mindmap von norjul17, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von norjul17 vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Freak The Mighty Time Line:
  1. First Event: Max and Kevin Meet for the first time in a day care center when they're really young.
    1. Second Event: Kevin moves to Max's neighborhood.
      1. Third Event: Max has dinner with Kevin and Gwen.
        1. Fourth Event: Max spends his Fourth of July with Kevin, and he almost gets attacked by Tony D.
          1. Fifth Event: Max and Kevin are actually attacked by Tony D, and Kevin comes up with a brilliant plan, and they are unhurt in the end, and become; Freak The Mighty!
    2. Tenth Event: Max's Father is now out of prison and tells Max all of the "horrors" he's been through and tells him that he didn't kill his mom, but Max remembers that day too clearly, and tells his father that he knows he did it. Then, he gets tied up in the basement of Loretta Lee's home and she unties him and tells him to run. Right after she does that, Max's father runs up and chokes her. Then, out of nowhere, Kevin comes and saves Max!
      1. Ninth Event: On Max's first day of school, he gets sent to the principal's office and is asked a question that the principal said is from his father, but he doesn't want to hear it.
        1. Eighth Event: They return the purse to Loretta Lee, and Iggy Lee asks them how Max and Kevin found the purse and who they are.
          1. Seventh Event: They go on another adventure to a storm drain and find an old purse hidden inside.
            1. Sixth Event: Max and Kevin go on an adventure to the hospital and Kevin tells Max about him becoming bionic soon.
        2. Eleventh Event: Soon after the confrontation, Kevin's bionic surgery had to be done. He actually lied to Max about becoming bionic, so he wouldn't be sad. Kevin knew, that when he goes to the emergency room on that day, he would die.On that day Max was there asking "Where is Kevin!?!?" "Where is Kevin!?!?," the nurses surrounded him, and told him the truth.
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