Approaches & Methods


Approaches & methods
Marcia Stringer
Mindmap von Marcia Stringer, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Marcia Stringer
Erstellt von Marcia Stringer vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Approaches & Methods
  1. Grammatical Approach
    1. Teacher-centered
      1. Rules & structure of language
        1. Grammar-translation :development of reading, writing, and grammar
          1. Direct: Total immersion in L2, no use of L1
            1. Emphasizes error correction, drills, and repetitive practice
            2. Communicative Approach
              1. Student-centered on communication and acquisition
                1. Integrated Content Based: L2 development, content & language integration, and themes
                  1. Sheltered Instruction: scaffold instruction, visuals, cooperative learning, and guided vocabulary
                    1. Historical Silent Way: Teacher model talk, repetition, signals, seldom content
                      1. Historical natural Way: comprehensible input, acceptance of L1, minimal error correction
                        1. Historical Suggestopedia: relaxed setting, L1 for explanations
                    2. Cognitive Approach
                      1. Integrated Content Based Instruction
                        1. Integrates student biography
                          1. Sociocultural
                            1. Cognitive
                              1. Academic
                                1. Linguistic
                          2. Implements 3 key factors
                            1. Use of a variety of media
                              1. development of thinking skills
                                1. student-centered instruction
                            2. ICB Lesson Process
                              1. Planning
                                1. Instruction
                                  1. Assessment
                                2. Sheltered Method of Instruction
                                  1. Strategies
                                    1. Hands-on activities
                                      1. Cooperative Learning
                                        1. Guarded Vocabulary
                                          1. Visuals
                                            1. Specifically Designed Academic Instruction
                                              1. Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol
                                    2. CALLA Method of Instruction
                                      1. Purpose of CALLA:
                                        1. Focus on learner
                                          1. Improve academic language profenciency
                                            1. Motivate with content topics
                                              1. Teach learning strategies
                                        2. Academic Language
                                          1. Authentic Content
                                            1. Aligned to standards
                                              1. Linked to prior cultural knowledge
                                                1. Hands-on inquiry based tasks
                                            2. Language developed through content
                                              1. Vocabulary and discourse of content
                                                1. Five Phases
                                                  1. Preparation
                                                    1. Presentation
                                                    2. Practice
                                                      1. Expansion
                                                        1. Self-evaluation
                                                  2. Linked to prior linguistic knowledge
                                                    1. Cognitive Approach
                                                      1. learner-centered on explicit learning strategies
                                                        1. developmentatlly appropriate language instruction
                                                          1. focus on prior knowledge
                                                            1. Explicit instruction: Metacognitive, Cognitive, Social/affective
                                                              1. CALP development in L1 & L2
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