Approaches and Methods


Mindmap am Approaches and Methods, erstellt von Markel Strawder am 26/02/2019.
Markel Strawder
Mindmap von Markel Strawder, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Markel Strawder
Erstellt von Markel Strawder vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Approaches and Methods
  1. Cognitive: learner-centered with focus on exploits teaching of learning strategies
    1. CALLA- focuses on CALP development in L1 and L2
      1. Cooperative Learning
        1. Think-Pair-Share
          1. Turn and Talk
          2. Using background knowledge
            1. KWL Chart
                1. Maximizing content and language objectives
                  1. Questioning
                    1. Outlines
                    2. Metacognition
                      1. Graphic Organizers
                  2. Communicative: Student-centered and focuses on learning through communication, constructivism, and social interactions
                    1. Silent Way- teacher models and reinforces with repetition and signals
                      1. Guarded vocabulary- teacher does everything with specific purpose
                        1. Reduced use of idioms, slang talk, etc.
                        2. Natural Way- minimal error correction with acceptance of students L!
                            1. Student led; things happen naturally
                              1. Heterogeneous grouping
                            2. Suggestopedia- relaxed setting, use of L1
                              1. Historical
                                1. Cooperative Learning
                                2. Integrated Content Based: emphasizes L2 development; focuses on content and language integration
                                  1. Integrated thematic units
                                    1. Sheltered Instruction: grade level modified; scaffolded instruction
                                      1. Visuals
                                        1. Big Books
                                          1. Based on lesson/standard content
                                          2. Cooperative Learning
                                            1. Hands-On activities
                                              1. Use of simulations
                                                1. Use of relia
                                            2. Grammatical: teacher-centered with focus on rules and structure of the L2 with little to no use of the L1 allowed
                                              1. Grammar Translation- emphasis is development of reading, writing, and grammar
                                                1. Rules taught holistically and explicitly
                                                  1. Skill & Drill Practice
                                                2. Direct- immersion and no use of L1
                                                  1. Rote Memorization
                                                    1. Repetition
                                                    2. Drill and Practice
                                                    3. Audiolingual- focuses on error correction
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