Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- What is Anarchism?
- Greek meaning absence of authority or without rulers
- Get rid of state = NO state
- Protest against state and
global governing bodies; State
is harmful, undesirable, and
- Human nature is good
= no state needed
- Argues for
affirmation of the
decency of persons,
desire for
individual freedom
and rejection of
- A Social Movement
- Emerge with struggles against feudal system
- Individual Anarchism VS. Social Anarchism
- Individual Anarchist: emphasizes
negative liberty and its opposition to
state control over individual (Libertarian
- Social Anarchist: emphasizes positive
liberty, there are more collectivists
(focus on community), reject private
property (Marxist Ideology)
- Believe in using violence as a means
- Diggers Vs. Levellers
- Diggers- 1600s in England
- Communist farmers
- Wanted economic equality,
creating small independent
farming communities on common
- Everything
finances goes
into communal
- Social Anarchists
- Reclaiming freedom, creating
classless society
- Levellers- 1600s in England
- want equality and suffrage (of ALL men) and religious
tolerance (private matter not states)
- Natural Rights: God made me
this way, I have ability to be
what I am/want
- Secular government, freedom of religion
- Early
- Godwin 1756-1836
- Argued government was corrupting force in society, perpetuating
dependency and ignorance; allows state to tell people what to
believe, think, and act
- Wanted to decentralize society with minimal authority; wanted a
sharing of goods
- Municipal state idea
- With a state, power is in hands of a few, taking away our independence leading to
oppression, war and conflict, and the taking away of education system
- state and institutions have heavy influence; education is important because it
shapes our nature, opinions and actions
- Argued against social contract; only helps white property owning males
- State existed as an instrument to protect private property
- This is a
because once
one owns
they protect it,
and create laws
= needed state
- Private property = polarization of wealth and
- Marriage is evil, filled with delusions, unrealistic expectations, and allows for the oppression of women (cage)
- Free Love Movement
- Rejects
marriage =
- Do not want state to control sexual matters: marriage, birth
control, abortion, adultery and prostitution
- This is concern for self and individual
- Bakunin 1814-1876
- activist anarchist
- believe in egalitarian
society without social
classes and
- Revolutional change should stem from lumpenproletariat; bring
insight as they are previously uncontrolled by Capitalism
- Issues with State
- modern state = aggressive military state
- can't replace state with worker state
- One needs complete freedom
- Progres is made with an experience and thought
- Collectivist
- Believed in equal
means, support,
education and
opportunity for
every child in order
to create own well
being by own labour
- Spoke against religion;
if God existed, it would
be necessary to abolish
- Goldman 1869-1940
- rejects business, church and state
- Capitalism dehumanized workers, advocated strikes, and direct action
- Religion: enemies of the people
- Advocated targeted violence (assassination of rulers)
- Believed voting is useless; illusion of participation
while making the true structures of decision making
- Promoted free love, birth control, approval of homosexuality
- Goodman
- Critical of American society = heavily managed and centralized society; decay
of community and destruction of American life.
- If someone is always planning life, American Dream and freedom is broken
- Looked at state control with education system, and how state tells us to live (roads, planning etc).
- Said education is being taught incorrectly
- Should be hands on, not lecturing but discussion to explore issues, move beyond
educators and compulsory attendance
- If teachers are good, absence would be eliminated
- Relativist view of Anarchism
- Goldman wanted women to be liberated and free. She wanted the state to give up power over women
(e.g. the right to birth control). She wants women to have equality but sees the state as a barrier to this
equality. She did not believe in voting so the first wave feminists would have issue with this idea.
Goldman didn't think women gaining the vote would give them the freedom they were fighting for.
This is directly against the goal of the first wave (suffrage).
- Goodman talked
about the problems
with the state and
city planning. He
talks about the
control of the state
in our everyday lives
and why this is a
problem. We give up
too much power to
the state.