Zusammenfassung der Ressource
“The creation of a successful goodwill is
the most important objective in a
- Goodwill is always linked to the extra benefit
present when a company generates a higher
profit than is normally expected
- To make a profit, all companies must
determine whether customers have a
positive perception of the segment in
which they act.
- The most important assets of
successful companies are
intangible assets
- Components of a
company's success
- Intellectual
- Human capital
- Knowledge
- Innovations
- Employee skills
- Structural capital
- Patents
- Licenses
- Company software
- The protection of intellectual
property is to ensure human
- It is impossible to create excellent relationships with
customers if good relationships with employees are
not established
- Advantages of intangible
- Reduce costs
- Increase
- Reduce
- The evaluation of intangible assets helps us to form
a coherent opinion about the value of the company
and its practical methods
- The good relations established with the clients create
a successful company, but also the labor relations
analyzed in terms of employee training because when
the work is specialized, the value of the company