Lauren London makes a post about Nipsey Hussle's death


This is a rhetorical ecology map based on the death of Nipsey Hussle. A rhetorical ecology map is a map that links all of the aspects of a text of rhetoric together.
Christina Wells
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Christina Wells
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Lauren London makes a post about Nipsey Hussle's death
  1. Rapper/Artist Nipsey Hussle
    1. Gets Shot on March 31, 2019
      1. Dies from gunshot wounds to head and torso
        1. Suspect named Eric Holder
          1. Video surveillance
            1. Had an altercation with Hussle
        2. Beloved figure in the rap industry
          1. Wanted to better the youth of Los Angeles
            1. From Los Angeles California
              1. Police Commissioner Steve Soboroff
                1. Planned to meet with Hussle the day after his death to discuss gang violence amongst youth
              2. Marathon Store
                1. Was working on a documentary about the death of Dr. Sebi
                  1. According to Hussle, Dr. Sebi was killed for finding the cure to HIV
                2. Other prominent celebrities express their condolences via social media posts
                  1. Some celebrities leave replies under Lauren London's post
                    1. Celebrities tend to make social media tributes after a fellow celebrity has died
                    2. Average people also post about Nipsey Hussle''s death via social media
                      1. Conspiracy theories arise about the causes of death
                        1. Some people on social media believe that Hussle was killed by the government for the documentary about Dr. Sebi
                          1. Nick Cannon vows to finish the documentary
                          2. Theories based on Hussle's final tweet,"Having strong enemies is a blessing."
                            1. Twitter terms of use
                              1. 280 character limit
                            2. Fans tend to post about the deaths of celebrities
                            3. Lauren London is an actress who was the girlfriend of Nipsey Hussle
                              1. Has a child named Kross
                              2. News outlets also post about Nipsey Hussle's death
                                1. Posts interviews and important information regarding the death of Nipsey Hussle
                                  1. News sources told by police officers that Hussle's death was gang-related
                                    1. L.A. Police Officers released a statement asking the public to help in the search for Holder
                                  2. NBC News
                                    1. Must provide recent and relevant information
                                  3. Instagram
                                    1. Instagram terms of use
                                      1. Limit of 2,200 characters and 30 hashtags
                                      2. “I am completely lost. I’ve lost my best friend. My sanctuary. My protector. My soul ... I’m lost without you. We are lost without you babe. I have no words.”
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