Thailand mind map


Mind map with lots of facts on Thailand's culture food etc.
Arthur Trotter
Mindmap von Arthur Trotter, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Arthur Trotter
Erstellt von Arthur Trotter vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Thailand mind map
  1. Climate
    1. Tropical
      1. High humidity
        1. Three seasons
          1. cool season
            1. rainy season
              1. Hot season
              2. Warm
              3. Culture
                1. Strong Indian Influences
                  1. Chinese Traditions
                    1. Elements that are uniquely Thai
                      1. Influenced by Burmese Culture
                      2. Foods
                        1. Curry
                          1. Soup
                            1. Noodles
                              1. Rice
                                1. Chow mein
                                  1. Fruit
                                    1. Vegetables
                                    2. Festivals
                                      1. Water festival (songkran)
                                        1. Ghost Festival (Phi Ta Khon)
                                          1. Lantern Festival (Yi Peng)
                                            1. Rocket Festival (Boon bang Fai)
                                              1. Buffalo Racing Festival (Wing Kwai)
                                                1. Wonderfruit Music and arts festival
                                                  1. Vagetarian festival
                                                    1. Candle festival
                                                      1. Chinese new year
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                                                      ähnlicher Inhalt

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                                                      Weltraumkatze Fanroth
                                                      Vetie - Tierzucht & Genetik - T I
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