Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Iroquois constitution and social values
- nature
- Great tree of Peace
- Pine Tree Chief
- positive qualities
- calm and deliberate - do not be angry
- forgiving - lots of warnings
- honest - no gossiping
- patient - lots of warnings
- hardworking - not involved in trivial affairs
- tender - be caring
- mental toughness
- thick skin of 7 spans
- leadership
- well fare of people
- be a mentor
- Great Law of Peace
- peace
- goodwill
- women
- wampum strings given to women's family in which lordship titles are vested
- women have propriety right to lordship title for all time to come (matrilineal)
- can demand lord to attend or choose a new candidate
- can remove lords title
- consensus
- mohawk/seneca - cayuga/oneida - onadaga -consensus or restart
- all lords must be in attendance