Walden Chapter 14: Former Inhabitants; and Winter Visitors


Mindmap am Walden Chapter 14: Former Inhabitants; and Winter Visitors, erstellt von Aziz Hanna am 14/04/2019.
Aziz Hanna
Mindmap von Aziz Hanna, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Aziz Hanna
Erstellt von Aziz Hanna vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Walden Chapter 14: Former Inhabitants; and Winter Visitors
  1. Thoreau amuses himself when he is alone by imagining people who he thinks used to live in the woods.
    1. He never knew these people, but he mentions their names and their backgrounds.
    2. Thoreau is alone a lot in the winter because he rarely gets visitors.
      1. Once he returned home and was surprised to find the smell of someone's pipe in his house and logs in the fire.
        1. However, he receives visits from a farmer, a poet, and a religious man all of which he enjoys the company of very much.
          1. He suspects one of them was in his house.
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